
1. Dawn or dusk?/你更喜歡破曉還是黃昏?破曉
2. Forest or river?/你更喜歡森林還是河流?森林
3. Moon or stars?/你更喜歡月亮還是星辰?星星
4. Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?/你最討厭人們稱你膽小
5. After you've died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name?/你去世后,你希望世人聽到你的名字時作出什么反應(yīng)?帶著笑容緬懷你
6. How would you like to be known to history/你想在讓后人認為你是個?勇者
7. Given the choice, would you rather invent a potion that would guarantee you/如果可以,你希望發(fā)明能讓讓你獲得以下哪一點的魔藥權(quán)利
8. Once every century, the Flutterby bush produces flowers that adapt their scent to attract the unwary. If it lured you , it would smell of/振翅灌木每個世紀盛開一次,用花朵變幻的氣味引誘粗心者。如果它要引誘你,你聞到的的味道會是大海
9. Four goblets are placed before you. Which would you choose to drink?/你面前有四個高腳杯。你會選擇喝?
10. What kind of instrument most pleases your ear?/你覺得哪種樂器最悅耳?小提琴
11. You enter an enchanted garden. What would you be most curious to examine first?/你進入了一個魔法花園。最令你好奇,讓你忍不住立即前去仔細觀察的是?
12. Four boxes are placed before you, which would you try and open?/你面前有四個盒子,你會打開:
13. A troll has gone berserk in the Headmaster's study at Hogwarts. It is about to smash, crush and tear several irreplaceable items and treasures. In which order would you rescue these objects from the troll’s club, if you could?/一只巨怪在霍格沃茨校長辦公室里瘋狂亂砸。它馬上要毀掉幾個不可替代的物件和珍寶。如果可以,你會以下面哪種順序從巨怪的棍子下?lián)尵冗@些東西?
14. Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?/你認為以下哪種情況最難應(yīng)對?
15. Which would you rather be?/你愿意被他人____?
16. If you could have any power, which would you choose?/如果你有任何能力,你會選擇哪個?
17. What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts?/你最期待在霍格沃茨學(xué)什么?
18. Which of the following would you most like to study?/你最想研究以下哪種生物?
19. You and two friends need to cross a bridge guarded by a river troll who insists on fighting one of you before he will let all of you pass. Do you:/你和兩個朋友要通過一座河流巨怪看守著的橋,河怪堅持你們中必須有一人需要戰(zhàn)勝它,才能讓你們?nèi)送ㄐ?,你會?br>
20. One of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. Now he has come top of the class in Charms, beating you into second place. Professor Flitwick is suspicious of what happened. He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. What do you do?/有一位與你在同一個學(xué)院的同學(xué)在霍格沃茨考試中作弊,使用了自動拼寫羽毛筆?,F(xiàn)在他在魔咒課上成了第一名,第二名是你。弗立維教授懷疑事情的真相,并在課后讓你留下,問你這個同學(xué)有沒有用不合規(guī)定的羽毛筆。你會怎么做?
21. A muggle confronts you and says that they are sure you are a witch or wizard. Do you:/一個麻瓜向你對峙,說他確定你是個巫師,你會:
22. What nightmare would frighten you most?/你最害怕哪種噩夢?
23. Which road tempts you most?/那條路對你最有吸引力?
24. Late at night, walking alone down the street, you hear a peculiar cry that you believe to have a magical source. Do you/夜晚,在街上獨自行走的時候聽到一聲你認為有魔法蹤跡的古怪的哭叫聲,你會:
25. If you were attending Hogwarts, which pet would you choose to take with you?/如果你要到霍格沃茨上學(xué),你想帶哪種寵物?
26. BⅠack
27. Heads or tails? /拋硬幣的時候你覺得是正面向上還是反面向上?
28. Left or right?/左邊還是右邊?
29. 您的姓名:【必須填!否則將無法發(fā)送您的測試結(jié)果,可不填真名】
30. 中文版霍格沃茨分院測試
31. 您的性別:女
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