Hello, classmates! In order to better understand your physical and mental health conditions, we have designed this questionnaire. Please answer carefully according to your actual situation. Your answers will be strictly confidential and only used for statistical analysis. Thank you for your participation!
1. How many hours of sleep do you get per day approximately? A. Less than 6 hours B. 6 - 7 hours C. 7 - 8 hours D. 8 - 9 hours E. More than 9 hours
2. How many times do you do physical exercise per week? A. Zero times B. One to two times C. Three to four times D. Five to six times
3. Do you have regular eating habits? A. Very regular B. Relatively regular C. Generally regular D. Not very regular E. Very irregular
4. How do you think your physical strength is? A. Very good B. Good C. Average D. Poor E. Very poor
5. Are you satisfied with your physical health condition? A. Very satisfied B. Satisfied C. Average D. Unsatisfied E. Very unsatisfied
6. How frequently have you felt anxious in the past week? A. Never B. Occasionally C. Sometimes D. often E. Always
7. How is your sleep quality in the last month? A. Very good B. Relatively good C. Average D. Relatively poor E. Very poor
8. When facing pressure, which of the following ways do you usually adopt to cope with it? A. Face it positively and look for solutions B. Talk to family members or friends C. Bear it alone and digest it silently D. Escape from the problem E. Others
9. How do you think your psychological endurance is? A. Very strong B. Relatively strong C. Average D. Relatively weak E. Very weak
10. How much do you know about mental health knowledge? A. Know very well B. Know relatively well C. Know a little D. Don't know